Lesson 4

Lesson 4

Now here are some exercise words according to category.

ઋતુઓ - Seasons

શિયાળો - (shiyaalo) - Winter
ઉનાળો - (unaalo) - Summer
ચોમાસું - (Chomaasu) - Monsoon

જીવજંતુઓ - Insects

પતંગીયું- (patangiyu) - butterfly
વાંદો - (vaando) - cockroach
કીડી - (keedee) - ant
ઉધઈ - (udhaee) - termites
મધમાખી - madhmakhee - honeybee

1 comment:

  1. i am learning how to write this language since i know how to speak it my parents taught me its amazing
